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8 HVAC Billing Tips you can’t ignore 

hvac billing tips

8 HVAC Billing Tips you can't ignore

HVAC Billing is a lot of work. It’s not just tracking down the right amount of heating and cooling equipment and making sure you have all the necessary licenses, permits, and other access requirements. It’s also keeping track of all the details about your customers. Their preferred payment method, their service history, and contact info to make sure that you can provide them with the service they need and deserve.

But it doesn’t have to be hard. We’ve got a few tips for making invoicing easier for you and your team:

1 Do your homework.

Before you begin working with a client, find out what they’re paying in other areas of the country or even nationally. If they’re paying less than you want them to pay, then there’s no reason why they should pay more than you do. And if they’re paying more than you want them to pay, then maybe it’s time for them to update their insurance coverage or get a new contractor!

2 Negotiate every day.

When dealing with clients, it’s crucial that you always keep on top of negotiations; otherwise, they’ll just take advantage of your low prices and leave you high and dry when the job is done! It’s important that you push back against clients who ask for too much money upfront because this could end up costing them later on down the line when one thing goes wrong in your final bill due date; it could also cause them to run away from projects altogether because they don’t feel confident.

3 Use the HVAC invoice template.

A great way to help your techs out is to give them templates that they can use to complete their invoices easily. This will save you time and reduce confusion for whoever has to review them. Your techs should have access to a template that makes it easy for them to enter all the information they need on their invoices. You can use this template as a guide, so you will be sure to include all the billing details they need, and don’t forget anything important!

4 Keep customers’ service history and info on record

Keeping these things up to date will save you from having to repeat yourself over and over again when a customer calls in with questions about how much they owe or what they owe in total (since sometimes they forget). While this shouldn’t be necessary for every customer, it’s important that you keep customers’ contact information on record in case you need to follow up with them about their payment. Customers will appreciate knowing how much time and effort you put into servicing their system—and if there’s ever a problem, they’ll want to know who to call!

Files or papers can make your work tedious and slow; you can explore HVAC CRM software to manage your customer details with minimal effort.

5 Follow up on unpaid HVAC invoices.

If you don’t follow up with customers who haven’t paid their bills as agreed upon, you may lose some money! So make sure that if you’re not getting paid by a client, then you should at least send an email reminding them of what their next due date is, and ask them whether or not they’d like someone else from the company to do so instead!

6 Offer a service contract or maintenance agreement as part of your HVAC invoice

When you offer a service contract or maintenance agreement, you’re not only showing your customers your commitment to their needs and budget but also increasing their likelihood of paying on time. Make sure that you offer this with every HVAC invoice so that it’s easy for your customers to make the switch from month-to-month payment plans to one-time payments. When you’re billing for HVAC services, it’s important to offer one or both of these options. They’ll help make sure that your clients are aware of the cost and commitment they’re making when they hire you, and they can serve as a good reminder in case they need to call you again in the future.

A service contract is a long-term agreement that entitles you to certain services at an agreed-upon price. It’s a great way to ensure constant and fixed revenue.

Read our blog on best practices for selling HVAC contracts.

7 Send an estimate of the cost before sending the invoice

Estimates ensure that everyone is on the same page when it comes to how much they owe and what they’ll be charged for each month’s service plan or maintenance agreement.

There is no confusion about what services have already been performed and what needs to be done next time around.

This will help your client make an informed decision about whether or not they want to proceed with the project, which is especially important when you’re charging by the hour. And it also helps them budget their finances better since they’ll be able to give you more accurate estimates from the start. The estimate should include all labor, parts, and materials needed to complete the job, as well as any required permits or licenses. You should also indicate how much time it will take for each person working on your project.

8 Accommodate Every Method of Payment

Providing ample payment methods adds to a great customer experience. For major HVAC jobs, some customers only want to pay with credit cards, while others only want to pay with cash. Hence you should have these options available.

With SmartServ, you can have industry-leading payment gateways to make payments fast and secure. Moreover, you can offer customers to pay in EMI while you get paid upfront.

To learn more about  HVAC software that can streamline your invoicing, payments, and other day-to-day activities, book a free demo today.

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